Postmodernism in the hills

Postmodernism in the hills

6 June 2025

This is St John’s Upper Beaconsfield, a rather odd but charming church dating from 1984, replacing one destroyed in the terrible 1983 Ash Wednesday fires. It was designed by local architect and planner Paul Reid, inspired by European village churches – and it does have a rural alpine look look about it, as well as fun with geometries, so it’s definitely postmodern, in a quiet sort of way. Nice timber interior. I came across it in the one book that attempts to label all styles: ‘Identifying Australian Architecture’ by Richard Apperly, published 1989, where he puts in the ‘Late 20th Century Ecclesiastical 1960-‘ putting Modernist and Postmodernist together. All photos from their website or Facebook page. They look a happy bunch !

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